Nos tempos difíceis da Revolução Industrial, Robert Owen (1771-1858) promoveu a ideia de que é possível ter-se lucro, proporcionando-se, ainda assim, boas condições de vida aos operários. Provou-o na unidade fabril de New Lanark, na Escócia.
Por Fátima Vieira
Jane Goodall (1934 - ) is a British scientist who dedicated her life to researching and protecting chimpanzees. From her passionate work we learned...
Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909 - 2012) was an Italian American neurologist who, along with her collaborator Stanley Cohen, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for...
Nellie Bly (1864-1922) was an American journalist who was famous for her investigative approach. She ended up going undercover in a mental institution and...